Our Governors
Claire Drake - Chair of Governors
I am a parent of two young children (my daughter is in Year 1 and my son will start Reception in September) and a local resident in the Temple Grafton area. I have a particular interest in special educational needs (SEN) as I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was young, so I fully understand the challenges that children face in a school environment. Since joining the governing body, I meet regularly with the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and monitor childrens’ progress closely.
Claire Drake -
Chair of Governors
Personal Comments:
I am really proud of the school’s provision for children with additional needs which is fully inclusive and ensures their needs are identified as early as possible and that they are given full support from their teachers throughout their time at Temple Grafton. I have a positive outlook and I enjoy fully supporting the children, teachers, governors and the Temple Grafton School Community.
Davina De-Bear - Clerk to the Governors
Coming soon
Personal Comments:
I can honestly say the TG Governors are a great bunch of people to work with. The chair is excellent which makes my job so much easier. You can rest assured that this school is very well governed!
Helen Wood - Co-Opted Governor & Safeguarding Governor
Helen has been a Parent Governor since November 2010 and a Co-Opted Governor since 2014. Since 1997 she has been working in Education under various roles from classroom teacher, learning and behavioural support teacher and as part of the senior leadership team. All of these roles have been in schools in the south of Warwickshire. She is currently an Early Years teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead at Wootton Wawen Church of England Primary School.
Helen Wood
Co-opted Governor
Personal Comments:
Since my children's involvement in the school I have been impressed by the way the school encourages and coaxes the children in all directions. This was the reason I wanted my children to attend this school, but it instils more than that; to have children who love learning and see every day as an adventure is more than I hoped for. This is why I want to support the school; it is my way of paying back the excellent learning experience that the children receive.
Natalie Pellet-Ward - Staff Governor & Assistant Headteacher
I have chosen to work in education since graduating from the University of Sussex in 1992. Whilst initially, my area of expertise was predominantly in key stage 2 and key stage 3, as my career has progressed, I have gained experience in teaching, developing teaching and leading across all ages of primary and secondary education. In all my teaching roles, I have undertaken whatever is needed for the benefit of my pupils, my colleagues, and my school. It is this approach to my professional life that enabled me to reach headship in my previous school, and, as from September 2023, I am delighted to have taken on the role as Temple Grafton’s Assistant Headteacher and to have joined our dedicated school governing body.
Natalie Pellet-Ward
Staff Governor
Personal Comments:
Our governors exist to improve educational standards so that every child in our care has the chance to realise their full potential. I believe our committed, nurturing and supportive network of governors drive systematic change here at Temple Grafton, enabling our school to run effectively and achieve its set aims and objectives.
Tara Yorke - Staff Governor & Headteacher
I am proud to have taken on the role as Headteacher and to have joined our dedicated school governing body. I have twenty-seven years teaching experience and fifteen of those have been at Temple Grafton Primary School.
Tara Yorke
Personal Comments:
In becoming a staff governor, I now have the opportunity to work closely with all stakeholders, making strong connections, to ensure all the children in our care flourish and thrive. I can be a part of sharing with the governors all the wonderful learning experiences we provide in school whilst also helping to develop and sustain our school vision moving forwards.
Vanisha Craig - Parent Governor
I joined the TG Board as a Parent Governor in March 2024. As an NHS doctor, I have experience in Quality, Safety and Governance; in reviewing incidents and encouraging positive learning. I have training in safeguarding and I am a strong advocate for vulnerable individuals and ensuring that the most suitable resources are utilised for each person.
Vanisha Craig
Parent Governor
Personal Comments
My son started in Reception at Temple Grafton in 2022 and I have been welcomed into the school community. I look forward to working alongside the dedicated teachers, support staff and governors in championing a well-rounded education for all our children which will meet their varying needs and requirements.
Chris Smith - Foundation Governor
I have got to know Temple Grafton C of E Primary School since being part of the church Open The Book team and feel encouraged to offer something more. I can offer a range of skills acquired as a solicitor in private practice and as a current local secondary school Governor of fourteen years.
Chris Smith
Foundation Governor
Personal Comments
I live in nearby Exhall village and know three families with children at the school and would like to support this aspect of the community. I especially want to collaborate with others to help imbue the children with the Christian ethos and values to help strengthen them in their development.
Kerry McGreavy - Parent Governor
I joined the TG Governing Body as Parent Governor from March 2024. I come from an Higher Education background, having worked for a local university for over 12 years. I currently lead a team involved in apprenticeship delivery, and have experience of people and budget management alongside knowledge of safeguarding and Ofsted from a HE setting.
Kerry McGreavy
Parent Governor
Personal Comments
As a working mum with two children at Temple Grafton, I am keen to support the school in continuing to provide the opportunity for all children to shine and flourish in both their learning and well-being
Personal Comments
Chirs Hanson - Foundation Governor
As a local Church Warden I'm keen to help build strong links between the church and the school and keep those important Christian values at the heart of everything we do. I have experience of child protection, working closely with children's services, and schools to keep children safe, I am also a local on call fire fighter and will hopefully bring useful skills and experience to the role.

Foundation Governor
Personal Comments
I live in the local area and my daughter was lucky enough to attend Temple Grafton School. I really appreciate the solid foundation the school provided for Holly, the values of kindness, teamwork and caring for those around you really resinate with my family.