The Education Endowment Fund (EEF) acknowledges that homework has a positive impact on average for pupils, particularly when the tasks are linked to learning in school and where feedback is given.
At Temple Grafton our definition of homework includes, but is not limited to:
- Daily reading with, to and by an adult
- I Can Do Maths for KS2
- Times tables practice in KS2
- Half-termly home learning projects – usually no more than 2 weeks in duration
Reading regularly will not only assist your child’s academic progress and support their access to all curriculum areas, it will also enrich their imaginations and build the foundations for a lifelong hobby. Even when your child can read independently, it remains important to spend time listening to them read, discussing texts and ideas with them, and reading to them also. We subscribe to Accelerated Reader, allowing children to read and quiz on books aimed at their reading and chronological age. Before this, your children will be working with phonically decodable books to ensure they grow as confident and secure readers before progressing on to our library collection.
Our weekly maths homework includes a range of questions that allow children to practice a variety of arithmetic and problem-solving tasks which are then marked, and misconceptions addressed, in a weekly maths homework feedback session. Children in KS2 will also be targeted for times tables practice I Can Do Maths.
Our half-termly extended home-learning tasks will cover different areas of the curriculum across the school year. Children will be given a brief on a particular area of study and two weeks in which to research and prepare their work in readiness for presentation to their peers and teachers in school. Children are guided to critique one another’s projects, noting what they have gained from the shared learning and offering advice if appropriate.
The EEF states that parental engagement has a positive impact on average of 4 months’ additional progress - your support is invaluable. If you need any help in guiding your child’s home learning, email your class teacher who will be happy to help.
Home learning projects can be accessed from the Class Pages section of this website.