Class Information
Class 2 Information
Class Teacher: Mr Boothroyd
The following staff will also be working with your children to support their learning in Class 2
- Mrs Wood (teaching assistant Monday – Friday mornings)
- Mrs Campbell and Mrs Dolphin (Tuesday pm – PE and Music)
- Mrs Chapman - Forest School Leader
Morning routines
In the morning, the children say goodbye to you and come in to school independently, placing their coats in the cloakrooms and any lunchboxes on the lunch trolley. Upon entering the classroom pupils should deposit their water bottles in the drinks boxes and are responsible for placing their reading book in the box provided. Please can all diaries and reading books be brought into school every day. Afterwards children go to their places to complete their morning activity. Once all the children have arrived registration takes place and the day begins.
Homework is an important way of enhancing and reinforcing the learning that happens in school. This year pupils in Class 2 will have 1 weekly online maths homework and weekly spellings to learn. These will be sent out on a Monday and will be due in 1 week later. In addition to the weekly home tasks pupils will have a half termly topic homework that is to be completed at home and brought back into school. For example this could be a history research task or a small science project to complete.
In Class 2, homework will be as follows:
- ✓ Mondays – Spellings
- ✓ Wednesday – Maths Homework (Date TBC)
- ✓ Daily – reading
- ✓ Curriculum projects (half termly)
Homework is due to commence from week beginning 19th September 2022.
Reading Books
Each child will be given a book from the appropriate level in our structured reading schemes. We have a wide variety of books to cater for most interests and levels. In school, the children will read on a one-to-one basis with an adult at least once a week and their books will be changed as required. Children are encouraged to be responsible for putting their books in the changing box if they need a new book when they enter in the morning.
The support you, as parents, give to your children when listening to them read is invaluable and it would be very helpful to us if you could make short comments in their reading diaries to record their progress, the completion of the book or any concerns you may have.
In addition to our reading scheme we have a structured library of reading books which are part of the Accelerated Reading programme. When the children are reading with a good degree of independence and fluency, they will be assessed and guided to the correct level as a starting point. Each band within the structure offers a wide range of genres and interest areas for the children to choose from. Once a book has been read the children take a ‘reading practice quiz’. We will start quizzes with pupils later on into our first term once the children have settled in to Class 2. We will let you know more details when this happens.
P.E. kit must be worn to school on the days we have PE which are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Forest School
Appropriate Forest School clothing must be brought into school on Fridays.
Equipment / Fruit / Water bottles
- In Class 2 all equipment is provided and no other items of stationary are necessary to bring in from home.
- Daily fruit is provided by the Government fruit scheme. If you wish your child may bring in a healthy snack from home.
- Water bottles – please make sure that your child brings in a named drinks bottle that only contains water.
- Small school ‘book bags’ are preferred to large rucksacks as these take up a lot of room in our cloakrooms and pupils do not have a lot of things to bring to school.
- In Class 2 we use coins placed on Golden Bricks which are given out for following the Golden Rules. The bricks are displayed on a wall in the classroom. The children work hard to gain as many coins on bricks as possible which will increase their chance of getting an award. At the end of each term all the golden coins are put in a hat and winners are picked out and a small prize is given.
- Pupils in Class 2 can also earn ‘Teampoints’ and we have 3 coloured Teams demarcated by pupils chair colours. Your child will either be in Purple, Blue or Green team. Pupils can win points for their team by following our Building Learning Powers such as ‘managing distractions’ or ‘collaborating’ or it could be another behaviour such as ‘working quietly’ or ‘trying hard’. Pupils add a small marble to their teams jar and at the end of the week the names from the winning teams are drawn from a raffle and each pupil in that team will win a prize.
- Each week a pupil will be chosen as ‘Star of the Week’ in recognition of their efforts across all aspects of school life. They will receive their ‘certificate’ in Celebration Assembly which is held in class on Fridays.
All your children are settling well into their new year groups and working hard to meet their new challenges. We hope we have covered all the areas within Class Two that may be of interest to you; however, if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me via email at:
Many thanks for your support,
Mr Boothroyd, Mrs Wood, Mrs Campbell and Mrs Dolphin