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Class Information

Class 1 Information


Welcome to Class One

Class Teacher              Mrs Bonham

Teaching Assistant  Mrs Undery & Mrs Rao

Cover Teacher            Mrs Clamp (Every Thursday AM)

Music Teacher            Mrs Birch (Thurs PM)

PE Teacher                 Mrs Campbell (Thurs PM)

Forest School              Melissa Chapman

Volunteer                    Sue Rogers / Bobbie Wright


Nursery and Reception are part of the ‘Foundation Stage’, so as your child begins school, they will continue to experience learning through play and practical activities in a similar way to Nursery whilst gradually moving towards the Key Stage One curriculum.

We have received Transfer Profiles from nurseries and pre-school which details your child’s progress, achievements and personal qualities. These are a valuable aid in helping us to maintain continuity in their learning and ease the process of settling into their new environment.


The Foundation Stage Curriculum

In Class One, learning takes place in the indoor and outdoor classrooms. Children of this age learn best through creative, sensory, practical and often physical activities. For example, we may play a phonics game outdoors using chalk to write letters on the playground. We often act out stories or familiar experiences in the role play area, find numerals hidden in the sand and hang them on the washing line in order. There are lots of opportunities to develop physically and to express themselves creatively on a daily basis. Lessons consist of a mixture of adult-led activities and a variety of child-led choices.

As the year progresses, we encourage children to concentrate for longer periods, recording more in maths and literacy work in order to prepare them for the transition to the National Curriculum as they move to Year One, (part of Key Stage One).  

Throughout the year, all staff observe children to track their progress and determine their next learning step. We record these observations in our records and in the pupils’ Learning Journals. Information from these sources is then used to report each pupil’s achievements in the end of year Foundation Stage Profile.      



In line with the whole school behaviour policy, we believe in positive reinforcement and plenty of praise. Our school has a very successful ‘Golden Rules’ policy upon which we base our behaviour and all children in the school quickly learn the Golden Rules and follow these simple guidelines. Our whole school assemblies reinforce these rules and show children how and why they are important for a happy school environment. Each class has a Golden Wall displayed in the classroom and children receive golden bricks to place on the wall when they have demonstrated one of the rules.

Exceptional behaviour or work is also rewarded with ‘Star of the Week’ when one child receives a certificate in Celebration Assembly on Friday afternoon.

Children are regularly reminded of our expectations and should they fail to keep the Golden Rules, warnings and consequences are given.



The Seesaw app is a parents' window into the classroom, showing what the children have been working on via photos, pieces of written work and videos. Teachers, pupils and parents can all give feedback on individual pieces of work; a fantastic way to strengthen home-school links.



At the beginning of the year, pupils will be introduced to letters and sounds. As we focus on particular letter sounds, we will be sending “Barney’s Bones” containing letters and high frequency words to practise, this will reinforce your child’s learning. At this early stage in the year, it is important to ensure that your child is correctly holding their pencil or pen, and that letters are formed correctly. A sheet with all the letter formations is available to you – please ask for a copy if one is not attached to this information sheet.

Reading books will be sent home when we have assessed that your child is ready to start on a structured scheme. At this point, five or ten minutes of reading with your child each day will quickly build up their sight vocabulary and reinforce the language and literacy work completed at school.


Arrival and Collection

Children should come into school through the reception outdoor play area. At 8:45 parents can bring their child to the classroom where they will be welcomed by the teacher and children will be encouraged to put their things away and join in with an activity. At 8:55 the bell will ring to signify the start of school and registration will take place.

At 3:30 the children will be dismissed from the classroom for the first term.


General reminders

Milk and Snack time. As part of our healthy eating policy, we are part of the National Free Fruit Scheme and children are given free fruit every day at Fruit and Milk Time. If you wish your child to have an alternative healthy snack, please send in their book bag, clearly labelled. If you wish your child to have milk after they turn 5 this can be ordered. Snack time is very much part of their personal and social learning and we encourage polite manners and informal chatting.


Belongings: Please ensure all belongings are clearly named as this helps the children to recognise their own name as well as those of other children and makes the everyday running of the classroom so much smoother. In Reception it is helpful to add coloured ribbons and tags that are unique to their belongings too.


Book bags

Please keep water bottles out of your child’s reading folder and book bags as they have a nasty habit of leaking and soaking any books or work sent home.


To be brought in to school every day: 


Blue book bag containing READING FOLDER

Filled water bottles

Optional healthy snack.

Please return each day your child’s Reading Record book and reading book in the plastic folder provided. We will endeavour to change your child’s book regularly.



P.E. kit (to include a bag with spare pants and socks in case of any accidents.)


Painting overall (optional)


On Fridays: We have a whole school Celebration Assembly which celebrates the achievements of our pupils. You are welcome to attend. The doors open at 9am and the assembly starts at 9:15am in the hall. Reception Children not attend assemblies until after October half term. However, I may change this i


This first year at Temple Grafton Primary School is very important and we want your child to be excited by discovering new things, be keen to rise to challenges and take pride in their achievements, becoming happy confident learners. We hope that this information has been useful. Should you wish to discuss any concerns or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see me after school or contact me via email or Seesaw.


Thank you for your support and co-operation.


Mrs Bonham J